Euphorbia Ingens Cactus Succulent Info Pictures Care Guide

Euphorbia Ingens Cactus Succulent Info Pictures Care Guide

Euphorbia Ingens, also known as the Candelabra Tree or Cactus, is a striking and unique plant native to Southern Africa. Despite its name, Euphorbia Ingens is not a tree but rather a succulent, with cactus-like appearance and long, branching stems that can grow up to 15 feet tall in their natural habitat. In indoor settings, they typically grow up to 6 feet tall. The stems have a green-grey color and are covered in spines that can be up to an inch long. The leaves are small and grow at the top of the stem, making them easy to miss among the spines.

Euphorbia Ingens ​​

Caring for Euphorbia Ingens is relatively easy, but there are a few key factors to keep in mind:

💡Light Requirements:

Euphorbia Ingens prefers bright, direct sunlight but can also tolerate partial shade. In low light, its growth may slow down, and it may become spindly.


Euphorbia Ingens is drought-tolerant and does not require frequent watering. Water only when the soil is completely dry, and allow excess water to drain out of the pot. Overwatering can lead to root rot, which can be fatal to the plant.


Euphorbia Ingens can tolerate low humidity levels, but may benefit from occasional misting to keep its leaves looking healthy and glossy.


Use a well-draining soil mix that is specifically designed for cacti and succulents. The soil should be slightly acidic and provide excellent drainage.


Feed Euphorbia Ingens once a month during the growing season (spring and summer) with a cactus or succulent fertilizer. Do not fertilize during the winter months.


You can prune Euphorbia Trigona to control its shape and size. Wear gloves and be careful when handling the plant, as its sap is toxic and can cause skin irritation. Cut the stem back to just above a node, and new growth should sprout from the cut.


Euphorbia Ingens is generally resistant to pests, but can be affected by mealybugs or scale insects. Use an insecticidal soap to treat infestations.


Euphorbia Ingens prefers warm temperatures and can tolerate a wide range, from 50 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. In winter, protect the plant from cold drafts and keep it away from windows or doors that may let in chilly air.

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