10 Cactus Succulent Families

10 Cactus Succulent Families

Here is a list of the 10 most common succulent and cactus families:

Cactaceae: This is the largest and most well-known cactus family and includes species such as the saguaro, prickly pear, and barrel cactus.

Agavaceae: This family includes species such as the agave and yucca, which are known for their large rosettes of leaves and tall spikes of flowers.

Euphorbiaceae: This family includes species such as the spurge and is well known for its diverse range of plants, including many succulents.

Aizoaceae: This family includes species such as the mesembryanthemum, which are known for their small, compact growth habit and bright flowers.

Crassulaceae: This family includes species such as the jade plant and sedum, which are known for their thick, fleshy leaves that store water.

Asphodelaceae: This family includes species such as the aloe, which are known for their fleshy leaves and ability to store water.

Apocynaceae: This family includes species such as the oleander and periwinkle, which are known for their large, showy flowers.

Liliaceae: This family includes species such as the lily, which are known for their tall spikes of flowers and large, fleshy bulbs.

Amaryllidaceae: This family includes species such as the daffodil and tulip, which are known for their large, showy flowers and attractive foliage.

Orchidaceae: This family includes species such as the orchid, which are known for their exotic, showy flowers and delicate beauty.

It's important to note that this list is not exhaustive, and there are many other cactus families and species that are less common but still very interesting and unique.

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