Bare Root Shipping, What it is & what to do with bare root plants

Bare Root Shipping, What it is & what to do with bare root plants

Bare root plant shipping refers to the practice of shipping plants that have been removed from their soil and packaged with their roots exposed, rather than potted in soil. Most plants bare root plants are usually packed with some type of moisture-holding material around their roots to keep them hydrated during shipping.(not always true of cacti/cactus or succulents) 

Bare root plant shipping is often considered better than traditional potted plant shipping for several reasons. First, bare root plants are lighter and take up less space than potted plants, which can reduce shipping costs and environmental impact. Second, bare root plants can be shipped during their dormancy period, which is typically in the late fall and winter months. This allows for a longer shipping season and greater flexibility in terms of when plants can be shipped. Third, bare root plants often establish more quickly than potted plants, since they have not been growing in soil that may be incompatible with their new environment.

Overall, bare root plant shipping can be a more efficient and cost-effective way to transport plants, while also providing benefits for the plants themselves.


When you receive plants that have been shipped bare root, it's important to take some steps to ensure that they have the best chance of surviving and thriving in their new environment. Here are some tips for what to do when you get plants bare root shipped:

Rehydrate the plant or roots: Water the plant or you can soak the roots because many plants due dry out during shipping, so it's important to rehydrate them. 

Trim damaged roots: If any of the roots are damaged or broken, you can trim them with a sharp, clean pair of scissors or pruning shears. Be sure to make clean cuts and avoid tearing the roots.

Prepare the planting site: Choose a planting site that is well-draining and has the appropriate amount of sunlight for the specific plant species. Prepare the soil by adding organic matter and any necessary amendments.It is important to be cautious when exposing a plant that has just arrived from shipping to excessive heat or sunlight, as this can result in shock. Therefore, if you live in a hot climate and plan on planting the new arrival in a sunny area, it's recommended to gradually acclimate the plant to its new surroundings over a period of two weeks. This can be achieved by progressively increasing the amount of light and heat the plant receives until it becomes accustomed to the conditions.

Plant the bare root plants: Dig a hole deep enough to accommodate the roots without bending or crowding them. Spread the roots out and cover them with soil, gently firming the soil around the roots. Water the plants thoroughly after planting.

Provide appropriate care: Follow the care instructions for the specific plant species, including watering, fertilizing, and pruning as needed. Keep an eye on the plants for any signs of stress or disease and address any issues promptly.

By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your bare root plants have the best chance of surviving and thriving in their new environment.

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